Your instant personalized freight offers

See how we change the game of finding trade-lanes. 

EXCLUSIVE Teleroute feature!

Recommended freight offers are grouped into three categories:

Selected for you: Get instantly thousands of personalised freight recommendation, thanks to the innovation of machine learning.

Trending now: See the most popular trade-lanes from your region across the Teleroute community

Expand your business: View routes where you can potentially expand your activity, seize more profit and connect with new customers. 

Flexible fee customed to the Teleroute Package that you own: discuss with your Business Consultant!  

How can I access TelerouteRecommends?  




Start seeing your personalised freight offers

Upgrade your subscription plan with this premium feature

Login to your Teleroute account

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TelerouteRecommends?

TelerouteRecommends is an innovative feature based on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI&ML). Its primary goal is to recommend Teleroute users freight offers that match their daily needs. How do we define these needs? The AI&ML algorithm analyzes your historical usage data to discover patterns and that’s how we can recommend you the best freight offers. 

Recommended freight offers are grouped into three categories: 

  • Selected for you – these are the type of offers that you used to view historically 
  • Trending now – these are the offers that are popular today across other carriers from your region 
  • Expand your business – these are the exceptional offers that give you the possibility to discover new trade lanes and cooperate with new business partners 

How do I sign up to the service?

TelerouteRecommends is a premium feature of our platform. This means you need to upgrade your subscription to add this new service. To sign up to TelerouteRecommends you can do so via Teleroute in the module that will be displayed once you browse TelerouteRecommends from the route icon in the top bar.  

Alternatively, you can also contact your Business Assistant and they will help you sign up to TelerouteRecommends. 

Where do I find the recommendations from TelerouteRecommends

When you are using Teleroute, you will see a “route” icon in the top bar. Click it to see the different types of recommendations available for you. When you click on one of them – you will be taken straight to a dedicated page where you will see the bespoke recommended freight offers. 

What routes will I see in Selected for you?

Selected for you – these are the type of offers that were selected based on your usage of the platform. 

What routes will I see in Expand your business?

Expand your business – these are exceptional offers that give you the possibility to discover new trade lanes and collaborate with new business partners. 

What routes will I see in Trending now?

Trending now – these are the offers that are popular today across other carriers from your region. 

Why am I not seeing routes in Selected for you?

It might be because you are new to Teleroute and have not used it much, so the system is yet to learn your usage, but don’t worry! Our system is very smart and learns quite fast. The more you use it, the more tailored freight offers you will see.

What is the fee of TelerouteRecommends?

The fee for TelerouteRecommends is dependent on your current Teleroute Package. If you want to consult more about the fee, ask your Teleroute Business Assistant. 

How frequently do you show new recommendations?

Recommendations of trade-lanes get refreshed every night.